
The Burning Man suggestion box is a suggestion box that has been at Burning Man for 3 years from 2017-2019 and will return for 2022, secretly located along the trash fence. It is labeled "suggestion box" with no other instructions or context. This website is a photo gallery of every suggestion that has been made so far. We hope you enjoy them!

We are people who care deeply what you think about Blackrock City. You have a lot of things to say, and we want to hear them all. We just wish there was something we could do about all of your suggestions… Building the blackrock city of your dreams is in your hands.

We have been putting up this suggestion box for 3 years now. We really hope you will take some time to think about the value and implications of all of these wonderful suggestions, as we have, especially in 2022, since we all have had a lot of extra time to think about and prepare for what our next burn should be like.

We would love to hear from you if you would like to get in touch, you can email admin@suggestionbox.fun. However, if you want to be featured on the website, you will have to find the suggestion box in blackrock city next time. It is typically located along the trashfence, for your convenience.